Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"I am grateful for God's love because it helps us get through life and make the right choices."

"I am thankful for my principal because she is a good leader."

"I am grateful for God's love because without it, I am nothing."

"I am grateful for God's love because with God's love, I can love others."

"I am grateful for parents because even though they seem exasperating, they are the greatest people in the world. No one that I know is better than my family, especially my mom and dad."

"I am thankful for our principal, Mrs. Rose, because we would be a disaster without her."

"I am grateful for God's love because without it, we wouldn't have a second chance if we did something wrong."

"I am thankful for Mrs. Rose because she cares most about our school."

"I feel blessed because I have a good Life!"

"I feel blessed because I get to go home to my loving family today!"

"I am grateful for God's love because without it, the world would be full of anger and hatred."

"I am thankful for our principal because without her, the school would fall apart."

"I feel blessed because God chose me to come to earth!"

"I am thankful for my principal because she is nice and she is always so helpful, kind and just plain loving in a good way. I am so thankful for her."

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"I am thankful for Wednesday because God made everyday for a special reason, so really, I am thankful for everyday."

"I am thankful for my conscience because if I am about to do something wrong, it gives me a second chance to think about what I am about to do."

"I am thankful for Wednesday because my schedule is not busy so I can relax."

"I am thankful for the gift of life because I can see all beautiful things."

"I am thankful for Wednesday because it gives me the opportunity to learn in school."

"I am thankful for the gift of life because I can follow the way to God."

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire is fulfilled, it is the tree of life." Proverbs 13:12 "I am grateful for the freedom to make hope a reality because I can have a voice too."

"I am thankful for Wednesday because it is another day God gave us to explore his creation and live our lives the way Jesus would want us to."

"I am thankful for Wednesday because I was born on a Wednesday!"

"I thank God for the gift of life because living is a privilege and I am so thankful for it."

"I am thankful for Wednesday because it is another day of life that God has given us to experience joy, love, and greatness. So we can shine and do great things for our community..."

"I am grateful for democracy because we have a choice."

"I am grateful for the freedom to make hope a reality because sometimes hope is what keeps you going."

"I thank God for the gift of life because it is a miracle."

"I am thankful for the gift of life because it allows me to live and know God."

I am grateful for for the freedom to make hope a reality because it helps us to achieve goals and become a better person."

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Weeks of Oct. 12th and 20th

"I thank God for every good thing in life and some of the bad things, because you learn from your mistakes."

"I thank God for Christopher Columbus, otherwise there would be no 'three days off' this weekend."

"I am thankful for those who are different than me because they make the world unique and special. Their differences explain you, to yourself."

"I am thankful for those who are different than me because we can share different perspectives on different things."

"I thank God for outdoor life."

"I am thankful for those who are different than me because they help me to understand myself better."

"Lord, in October I am thankful for the changing leaves because they look beautiful, give landscapers a job, and give a canvas to artists."

"Today I thank God for everything because I am breathing, I have friends that love me, and my family because I love them and they love me."

"Today I thank God for being safe from the war and all the terror in the world."

"I am thankful for the cold air because when you are taking a walk and the warm sun beats on you, it feels nice."

"Thank you God for the cooler weather because the mosquito's are gone."

"I am thankful for vegetables that nourish us."

"Today I thank God for the ability to learn."

"There are nine fruits of the spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I am grateful for the gift of love, because if everyone loved each other there would be no war and no one would ever be left out or not spoken to."

"I am thankful for the cold air because it cools me down and it smells closer to winter."

"I am grateful for the gift of patience and people being patient with me, because sometimes you need a second chance."

"I am grateful for the gift of peace. We should all treat each other the way we would want to be treated."

" I am thankful for those who are different from me because being friends with them just brings out the best in me. Opposites attract. People who are different from me show me how many different personalities are in the world."

"I am grateful for the gift of joy. Because of it, I can pick myself up no matter what I go through. I am always internally happy because I know that God loves me."

Monday, October 13, 2008

Week of October 6, 2008

"I am grateful for Indian summer because we don't get the same weather all the time and it surprises me."

"Praying the rosary allows me to be more fully in the spirit. It also allows me to think good thoughts. My good thoughts are getting good grades, helping other people and always being loved by my family."

"My good thoughts are when I think of God being happy and noticing more people are praying."

"My good thoughts are of ways to forgive those who were mean to me."

"I am grateful for Indian summer because I love the cold, but sometimes I like a little hot air."

"I am most thankful for school because it grants me opportunities."

"My good thoughts are of ending the war."

"I am thankful for Indian summer because I can go outside without winter apparel."

Monday, October 6, 2008

Week of September 29, 2008

"As we celebrate the feast of St. Francis of Assisi we celebrate his love for all of creation. In nature, I am most thankful for the trees that us shade in the summer. Some trees also give us fruit like apples for food."

"I am most thankful for the foliage. I love sitting on my front porch with comfortable clothes on, reading a good book and drinking hot chocolate."

"I am most thankful for the plants and flowers because the plants give us food and give off oxygen. The flowers give the world color and beauty."

"In nature I am most thankful for the beautiful view from mountains."

"I am most thankful for trees because they give us shelter, paper, wood, shade and oxygen."

"I am most thankful for birds because they wake me up in the morning with their song."

"In nature, I am most thankful for the birds and plant life. The birds are wonderful to see and hear, while the plant life is fun to look at."

"I am thankful for the vast amount of deer that God has given us to hunt."

"In nature, I am most thankful for the animals of the world because they can see that God really loves them by always being happy."

Monday, September 8, 2008

~ Week of September 22, 2008 ~

"One way that I have simplified my life in order to be more grateful is by letting go of grudges that I may have kept and any anger that I may have."

"One aspect of my freedom that I am thankful for is my curfew."

"Instead of grumbling about the rainy weekend, I am grateful for the rain because I will have the opportunity to relax and listen to the rain."

"Right now, I am thankful for being alive."

"Instead of grumbling about the rainy weekend, I am instead grateful for the rain to water all of the farms where fruit and vegetables come from."

"Lord I am thankful for my freedom. One aspect of freedom that I am thankful for are the people in the war that are keeping me safe."

"Right now, I am thankful for my family."

"Instead of grumbling about the rainy weekend, I am instead grateful for the opportunity to stay in my pajamas, wrapped in a blanket, reading a book on the couch."

"Right now, I am thankful for my family, my friends and the gift of my life."

"One aspect of freedom that I am thankful for is that we are free to believe in whatever religion we want."

"Instead of grumbling about the rainy weekend, I am instead grateful for the opportunity to watch the leaves change."

"Right now, I am thankful for the teachers who teach me."

"Right now, I am thankful for love."

"Gratitude is helping me to have a better relationship with Christ by realizing that I have enough, more than enough and not to complain."