Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We are Grateful for Knowledge!

As we are deep into our studies of Jesus' life and the history of the church, the students are gaining a greater appreciation and understanding of the roots of our faith!

"I am grateful that Jesus is the center of my life because he is the only way to happiness."

"I am grateful for those that help people, because they are setting a good example."

"Ways that I can stand firm in my faith are by telling others not to say prejudice things and to accept everyone."

" I am grateful to know the history of my church, because we can learn form the past."

"Lord, I am thankful for my faith. Ways that I can stand firm in my faith are not letting people be talked about behind their backs and to always stand up when other people are being made fun of."

"I am grateful to know the history of my church because I can trace my religion back to see how it started."

"Lord, I am thankful for my faith. Ways that I can stand firm in my faith are by teaching younger people about God."

"I am grateful to me, because that is how I was created and I won't be jealous of others."

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happy New Year!

In this new year, we find ourselves more grateful than ever! Enjoy!

I am thankful for...Love!

I am thankful to be a part of the body of Christ. No one member is more important than another because we are all equal.

Thank You God for wisdom. I am grateful for the gift of wisdom because it allows me to practice my faith.

I am thankful for the stars that live in space that light the world at night!

I am glad to me be me, because I am made in God's image and I am special.

I am grateful for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, because these gifts help me everyday in prayer.

Thank You God for wisdom. I am grateful for the gift of wisdom because I can make the right decisions in life.

I am grateful for wisdom because I can choose right from wrong.

I am grateful to be me, because I am a unique being who appreciates all positive comments.

It is always assuring to have knowledge of my my faith, thank You!

I am grateful for my gifts and talents because I am unique!

I am grateful that Jesus is the center of my life because I am always talking to him.

I am grateful for the ability to learn because we can share our knowledge with other people.

Lord, I am thankful for the ability to do good!

Lord, you give us the ability to love. Some things that I love are beautiful days and flowers!

I am grateful to have been given strengths. Some of my greatest strengths are creativity and bravery!